Saturday, July 5, 2014

To Russia regarding Ukraine.

The United Police States of America is determined to start a shooting war with Russia.  When the Junta President (Puppet President of the United Police States of America) says he will have a victory parade in the streets of Crimea he means it.  There is an old saying "When forced into battle choose the place and time of the first battle.

I have no doubt that the United Police States of America has some aces up its sleeves but sooner or later Russia is going to have to answer the United Police States of America's challenges.  The only thing you have control over is when the first battle takes place and the time of that battle.  The south/eastern cities are being disseminated civilians are being murdered.

When I was 5 I would have look with wonder at military aircraft flying over head.  Chances are I would have called to my dad to look at those aircraft with wonder.  What I would not have expected at least until now is that those aircraft were making a bombing run on me.

But this has just happened in south/eastern Ukraine.  A five year old child saw military jets in the air overhead and was thrilled and he called to his father to come see the jets.  And they were making a bombing run.  Father and Son died that day, they died because United Police States of America Mercenaries decided to make an air strike on their residential block.  And with this Father and Son, 10 others died.

President Putin, You are showing more tolerance than anyone in history.  I know that the United Police States of America must have some aces up its sleeve to challenge you like this.  But the simple fact is Crimea will be retaken by the Ukrainian Junta if you refuse to stand up to the United Police States of America's challenge.  

Ethnic Russians are dying by the droves, Russian border crossings are being shelled by artillery and mortars.  President Putin when will you challenge the emerging evil of this century.  When will you stand up and say Loudly No More.  The United Police States of America has destabilized and created more Chaos than any Country in the history of the World.

When will you President Putin take a stand and say no more.  No more will Super Powers dictate the health and well being of other countries.  When will you say no more to the 1% raping and pillaging the 99%.   President Putin when will you and Russia understand that you are the fundamental check to the United Police States of America.  

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